eBooks em português | Portuguese eBooks

eBooks em português | Portuguese eBooks - Free Portuguese eBooks are available on these websites. Links direct you straight to the Portuguese content if there are other language categories on the site. There is a general description of these websites as well.

REG* - Registration ASC - websites that do not need registration are at the beginning of the list for easy access to free content.

Listing of sites that offer Free Portuguese eBooks


Google Books

Google BooksGoogle Books - Google book index to search in Portuguese language. Google Books has many free texts of books and magazines that Google has scanned and stored in its digital database. Books are provided either by publishers and authors, through the Partner Program, or by Google's library partners, through the Library Project. Additionally, Google has partnered with a number of magazine publishers to digitize their archives.No

Google Scholar

Google ScholarGoogle Scholar Portuguese - provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites.No

Hathi Trust

Hathi TrustHathi Trust - copyright and public domain materials digitized by Google, Internet Archive, Microsoft, and in-house initiatives. The link shows Portuguese booksNo


ManybookManybook - Portuguese FREE eBooks also available. Access link for mobile phonesNo

Open Library

Open LibraryOpen Library is a project of the Internet Archive and it has over 1000000 eBooks. The link shows Portuguese books. See also this as an alternative linkNo

Project Gutenberg

Project GutenbergProject Gutenberg : choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online. The link shows Portuguese books.No

The Internet Archive

The Internet Archive The Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, and more. The link shows Portuguese books.No


BookRixBookRix - numerous Portuguese Books to read online and to download for freeNo

International Children's Digital Library

International ChildrenInternational Children's Digital Library has some Portuguese children books to read online. Books can be filtered by age, length and language.No


ToomicsToomics offers the latest Japanese and South Korean comics instantly! Comics in many genres - action, horror, romance, school and many more life stories! Vast selection with one click! If you like animations, comics, or cartoons, don’t miss out! They have a VIP subscription service that will give you access to all of the webtoons on our platform, including sneak peeks into upcoming episodes that haven’t been updated yet! Click the ‘FAMILY SAFE’ button for adult content. No

The Biodiversity Heritage Library

The Biodiversity Heritage Library The Biodiversity Heritage Library - type a title, choose the language and press searchNo


IssuuIssuu has a huge collection of free-to-read publications from incredible publishers around the globe.No


eBooksBrasileBooksBrasil - Brazilian literature, mostly PortugueseNo

Jornal de Poesia

Jornal de PoesiaJornal de Poesia - Portuguese poetryNo

Literatura Digital

Literatura DigitalLiteratura Digital - collection of literary works. Currently we have 75,574 works, 18,732 registered authors and 4,555 scanned files.No

Projecto Vercial

Projecto VercialProjecto Vercial - works of Portuguese authors: literature, fiction, peotry and etc.No

Dominio Publico

Dominio PublicoDominio Publico - este portal constitui-se em um ambiente virtual que permite a coleta, a integração, a preservação e o compartilhamento de conhecimentos, sendo seu principal objetivo o de promover o amplo acesso às obras literárias, artísticas e científicas (na forma de textos, sons, imagens e vídeos), já em domínio público ou que tenham a sua divulgação devidamente autorizada, que constituem o patrimônio cultural brasileiro e universal.No

Loyal Books

Loyal BooksLoyal Books - Public domain audio and eBooks from Gutenberg.org and Librivox.com (can be downloaded in different format, such as streamed audiobooks, MP3, ePub, Kindle, etc.). You'll always discover the very best collection of entirely totally free public domain audiobooks and ebooks at Loyal Books. We also provide best sellers for those who want the latest books, but mainly you'll discover an amazing selection of free books to enjoy.No

World Digital Library

World Digital LibraryWorld Digital Library - variety of historical works in this archive. It provides free access to manuscripts, rare books, maps, photographs, and other important cultural documents from all countries (materials in other languages as well).No

Christian Classics Ethereal Library (CCEL)

Christian Classics Ethereal Library (CCEL)Christian Classics Ethereal Library (CCEL) : Bringing Christian Classic eBooks to lifeNo

Marxist Internet Archive (MIA)

Marxist Internet Archive (MIA)Marxist Internet Archive (MIA) is a is an all-volunteer, non-profit public library, contains the writings of 592 authors representing a complete spectrum of political, philosophical, and scientific thought, generally spanning the past 200 years. MIA contains these writings in 45 different languages, comprising a total size of over 53,000 documents and 29 GB of data.No

EU Bookshop

EU BookshopEU Bookshop is an online bookshop, library and archive of publications dating back to 1952. It contains 100,000 titles and 190,000 corresponding electronic versions in more than 50 languages, including the 24 official languages of the EU. PDF and e-book versions are free of charge.The vast majority of titles on are authored by EU institutions. Some titles are produced jointly with partner publishers and/or other international organisations and individuals.No


Forestdhamma.orgForestdhamma.org - translations of Ajaan Mahā Boowa’s written works and extemporaneous Dhamma talks, and biographies of some of his disciples. Each book in the collection is offered as a PDF, EPUB and MOBI file, and as an audiobook.No


Dhammatalks has a nice collection of Buddhist teachings from many gurus / teachers / writers. Readings and books are in a different format, mainly in PDF. There are audio and video teachings as well (index of Portuguese works). No


ClassicistranieriClassicistranieri - this Italian website offers hundreds of free classics books (probably most of them from Gutenberg.org) in different languages. The link leads you to classic eBooks in Portuguese.No