Free Plays, Scripts & Playscripts eBooks
Free Plays, Scripts & Playscripts eBooks are available on these websites. Links direct you straight to the chosen category if there are other categories on the site. There is a general description of these websites as well.
Related keywords or subcategories: Free Plays, Scripts & Playscripts eBooks, Playwriting, Screenplay eBooks, Screenwriting eBooks, Movie Script eBooks
Listing of sites that offer Free Plays, Scripts & Playscripts eBooks
Open Library | Open Library is a project of the Internet Archive and it has over 1000000 eBooks. Not all book are free to read. For some books you need to register to borrow. While other titles link through to WorldCat wherever possible to help you find a book you can actually borrow from a library near you.This link directs you to Free Plays, Scripts & Playscripts eBooks. | |
Smashwords | Smashwords Smashwords is the world's largest distributor of indie ebooks. We make it fast, free and easy for any author or publisher, anywhere in the world, to publish and distribute ebooks to the major retailers and thousands of libraries. On this link you can access Free Plays, Scripts & Playscripts eBooks. | |
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The Complete Works of William Shakespeare | The Complete Works of William Shakespeare the Web's first edition of the Complete Works of William Shakespeare. This site has offered Shakespeare's plays and poetry to the Internet community since 1993. Under this URL they offer Free Plays, Scripts & Playscripts eBooks. | |
The Literature Page | The Literature Page is your place to read classic books, plays, stories, poems, essays, and speeches online, brought to you by the creators of The Quotations Page. their collection currently includes 243 works from 89 authors. We add new titles regularly. From here you can access Free Plays, Scripts & Playscripts eBooks. | |
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Loyal Books | Loyal Books All audio books in this site are in the public domain. This means that no one holds a copyright on these books and therefore anyone including is free to distribute them. Enjoy these free audio books and use the share button on to tell your friends about all these great public domain audio books.This link directs you to Free Plays, Scripts & Playscripts eBooks. | |
Google Play | Google Play (formerly Google eBooks) is a cross-platform ebook digital distribution service operated by Google, part of its Google Play product line, which offers over 5 million eBooks and as such is the world's one of the largest ebookstore where you can enjoy eBooks, audiobooks, comics and manga. Google Play on most e-readers except Amazon Kindle devices. You'll need to download them to your computer and transfer them to the e-reader. To do this, download the Adobe Digital Editions app. You need to log in to your Google account to download free ebooks or to play audiobooks. This is a URL to Free Plays, Scripts & Playscripts eBooks. | |
Epub books | Epub books is a self-publishing and ebook distribution platform. All ebooks on this site are free to download and can be read on all the popular eReaders. These include, but are not limited to; iPad, Kindle (coming soon), iPhone, Android, Kobo, Nook, Sony Reader, Windows Phone, along with both the PC and Mac notebook/desktop systems.This is a nice collection of Free Plays, Scripts & Playscripts eBooks. |
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See also our website collection of Plays, Scripts & Playscripts Audiobooks.