Books for Kindle for Free

Get books for Kindle for Free on these free eBook websites. There is a general description of these websites as well.

This collection focuses on Magazines in kindle formats;
".prc", ".mobi", ".azw" or ".azw3" will work equally well on Kindle

REG* - Registration ASC - websites that do not need registration are at the beginning of the list for easy access to free content.

Listing of sites that offer Free Kindle Magazines


AZW is a proprietary format developed by Amazon for the Kindle eBook reader. It has its roots in the MOBI format but has better compression and encryption. AZW3 (also known as Kindle Format 8 - KF8) is a variation of AZW. AZW files that are not DRM protected can be renamed to MOBI or PRC. Mobipocket (MOBI) is probably the best eBook format for Kindle reader. PRC is equivalent to MOBI. Kindles do not support the EPUB file format used by many other e-book readers. KFX is a new format is released by Amazon. Other Supported files for Kindle Personal Documents are: PDF, TXT, DOC, DOCX.

These websites have a databases, collections or listings of Free Kindle Magazines.
See also our website collection of Kindle Magazines.