Free Counselling & Psychotherapy Magazines

Free Counselling & Psychotherapy Magazines are available on these websites. Links direct you straight to the chosen category if there are other categories on the site. There is a general description of these websites as well.

Related keywords or subcategories: Free Counselling & Psychotherapy Magazines, Counselling Magazines

Similar category:PsychologyPsychology Magazines

REG* - Registration ASC - websites that do not need registration are at the beginning of the list for easy access to free content.

Listing of sites that offer Free Counselling & Psychotherapy Magazines



UKCP holds the UK’s national register of psychotherapists and psychotherapeutic counsellors. It only includes practitioners who meet our exacting standards, robust training requirements and abide by our ethical and professional code. This link leads to Free Counselling Material.No

Counselling Directory

Counselling Directory
Counselling Directory when you're going through a difficult time, it can be easy to keep your worries to yourself and believe that you're the only one experiencing these feelings. We all have our ways of coping, however, through our own experiences, we've learnt how important it is to have relevant, accessible information, and how the right support can help transform lives. On this page you can find Free Counselling Material.No


BACP advocates the role and relevance of the practice of the counselling professions in improving psychological wellbeing and mental health, and promoting social justice, in our contemporary and diverse communities. Links to Free Counselling Material.No


mindful is the voice of the emerging mindfulness community. We work to provide insight, information, and inspiration to help us all live more mindfully. This URL opens the listing of Free Counselling Material.No

Belong Magazine

Belong Magazine
 Belong Magazine is a digital and print platform and publication and celebrating the art and community of creativity, community and entrepreneurship. Under this URL they offer Free Counselling Material.No


ATOL is an international, peer-reviewed, open access and index linked journal that addresses theory, practice and research in relation to art therapy as it is known and understood around the world. This link is to a page with Free Counselling Material.No

Counselling Today

Counselling Today
Counselling Today is a website and monthly magazine published by the American Counseling Association. Approximately 55,000 members turn to Counseling Today as a resource of news and in-depth features about the world of professional counseling: effective techniques/strategies, federal/state regulation, developments in the profession, counselor wellness and counseling resources. This page listed Free Counselling Material.No


SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN covers the most important and exciting research, ideas and knowledge in science, health, technology, the environment and society. It is committed to sharing trustworthy knowledge, enhancing our understanding of the world, and advancing social justice. On this link you can read or listen & download Free Counselling Material.No

American Psychological Association

American Psychological AssociationAmerican Psychological Association is the leading scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States, with more than 122,000 researchers, educators, clinicians, consultants and students as its members. This link leads to Free Counselling Material.No

Better Mental Health Magazine

Better Mental Health Magazine
Better Mental Health Magazine is the only independent international consumer magazine dedicated to providing information for better mental health. We aim to raise awareness of general and specific mental health issues and ways of achieving better mental health and a greater sense of mental wellbeing. Better Mental Health Magazine is about taking mental health conversations from the shadows and bring it into the spotlight. On this page you can find Free Counselling Material.No


happiful began in 2005, when inspired by their own experiences – sisters Aimi and Emma sought to help others by launching the Counselling Directory. This is a nice collection of Free Counselling Material.No

These websites have a databases, collections or listings of Free Counselling Magazines.
See also our website collection of Counselling eBooks.
See also our website collection of Counselling Audiobooks.