Free Law Journals

Free Law Journals are available on these websites. Links direct you straight to the chosen category if there are other categories on the site. There is a general description of these websites as well.

Related keywords or subcategories: Free Law Journals, Fine Laws Journals, Crafts Journals, Photography, Arhitecture

REG* - Registration ASC - websites that do not need registration are at the beginning of the list for easy access to free content.

Listing of sites that offer Free Law Journals


Cambridge Core

Cambridge Core
Cambridge Core access high-quality, digitally interconnected materials that enhance understanding and the global impact of research. We currently publish more than 380 peer-reviewed academic journals and thousands of books for research and higher education. This link is to a page with Free Law Journals.

Brill Online Books and Journals

Brill Online Books and JournalsBrill Online Books and Journals has over 600 books that can be read free of charge (mainly Asian studies, History and Social Sciences) without registration, the link leads you to the open access book collection. Also, there are about 250,000 book chapters and journal articles on this website, covering the Humanities, International Law and Biology, but they are not available for open access. Brill’s publications focus on the Humanities and Social Sciences, International Law and selected areas in the Sciences. Links to Free Law Journals.No


WorldCat is a global catalog of library collections. You can search for books, music, video, articles and much more at a library near you. World Cat is the world's largest network of library content and services. WorldCat libraries are dedicated to providing access to their resources on the Web, where most people start their search for information. This URL opens the listing of Free Law Journals.No

Directory of Open Access Journals

Directory of Open Access Journals
Directory of Open Access Journals DOAJ is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals. They use use a quality control system to guarantee the content This page direct you to Free Law Journals.No

BrowZine Library

BrowZine Library
BrowZine Library is a library-subscribed service that helps you to browse, read, and monitor e-journals available through Concordia University Library. the website's interface makes it easy to explore and read your favourite journals. With an account you can also create a bookshelf to help monitor journals and save articles to read later. It offers a collection of Free Law Journals.No

Taylor & Francis

Taylor & Francis
Taylor & Francis Search and explore the millions of quality, peer-reviewed journal articles published under the Taylor & Francis and Routledge imprints. This URL opens the listing of Free Law Journals.No

The Open University

The Open University
The Open University All students and staff have access to trusted, quality library resources online, including journals, ebooks, and other academic resources to support academic studies. An Online interactive tutorials and other training activities develop skills of finding, exploring, using and managing resources. We aim to develop skills to empower students to live, learn and work in a digital society. Read texts/books from this excellent collection / listing of Free Law Journals.No


IJRISS Get DOI for Your Publication, Call for Papers for International Journal Publication Fee 30$ Humanities journal, law journal, Low cost journal, Education Journal This page listed Free Law Journals.No


UNF aspires to be the intellectual center of its community, to foster innovations that lead to the discovery of knowledge, and to further the research and scholarly endeavors of its users. This is a nice collection of Free Law Journals.No

National Security Archive

National Security Archive
National Security Archive Founded in 1985 by journalists and scholars to check rising government secrecy, the National Security Archive combines a unique range of functions: investigative journalism center, research institute on international affairs, library and archive of declassified U.S. documents ('the world's largest nongovernmental collection' according to the Los Angeles Times), leading non-profit user of the U.S. Freedom of Information Act, public interest law firm defending and expanding public access to government information, global advocate of open government, and indexer and publisher of former secrets. This URL opens the listing of Free Law Journals.No


MDPI open access journals are supported by more than 115,000 academic experts who support our mission, values, and commitment to providing high-quality service for our authors. We serve scholars from around the world to ensure the latest research is freely available and all content is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. Under this URL they offer Free Law Journals.No

Harvard Law School

Harvard Law School
Harvard Law School can help you find a particular member of our staff, faculty, or student body as well as contact information administrative departments. You can also find resources on our world-class research programs and clinics. Here you can browse Free Law Journals.No


Cogitatio is an innovative offering to the world of online publishing in the Political Sciences. An internationally peer-reviewed open access journal, Politics and Governance publishes significant, cutting-edge and multidisciplinary research drawn from all areas of Political Science. This link goes to Free Law Journals.No

Books About Macedonia

Books About Macedonia
Books About Macedonia books, materials and newspapers of Makedonija about Macedonia and Bulgaria: memories, local studies, ethnography, linguistics, history, journalism etc. All into HTML format written on in english, german and french . Under this URL they offer Free Law Journals.No


Springer is a leading global scientific, technical and medical portfolio, providing researchers in academia, scientific institutions and corporate R&D departments with quality content through innovative information, products and services. And one of the strongest STM and HSS eBook collections and archives, as well as a comprehensive range of hybrid and open access journals and books under the SpringerOpen imprint. Under this URL they offer Free Law Journals.No

The Digital Commons Network

The Digital Commons Network
The Digital Commons Network brings together free, full-text scholarly articles from hundreds of universities and colleges worldwide. Curated by university librarians and their supporting institutions, the Network includes a growing collection of peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, working papers, conference proceedings, and other original scholarly work. This page direct you to Free Law Journals.No

Wiley Online Library

Wiley Online LibraryWiley Online Library One of the largest and most authoritative collections of online journals, books, and research resources, covering life, health, social, and physical sciences. This link is to the Free Law Journals.No

These websites have a databases, collections or listings of Free Law Journals.
See also our website collection of Law eBooks.
See also our website collection of Art Audiobooks.