Free Multiple Category eBook Websites (Page 5)

Free Multiple Category eBook Websites - this is a listing of websites that offers free eBooks in numerous categories. Free Multiple Category eBook Websites are available on these websites. There is a general description of these websites as well.

REG* - Registration ASC - websites that do not need registration are at the beginning of the list for easy access to free content.

Listing of sites that offer Free Multiple Category eBooks



KoboKobo is an online eBook retailer that has a selection of FREE eBooks available.Yes


ThaliaThalia Thalia as an omni-channel bookseller and market leader in the retail book trade with more than 280 branches in German-speaking countries.Yes


LoveReadingLoveReading LoveReading is the UK’s leading book recommendation website. Our mission is to share book love and encourage reading for pleasure by offering the tools, advice and information needed to help our members and browsers find their next favourite book.Yes


CopacCopac Jisc Library Hub Discover exposes rare and unique research material by bringing together the catalogues of major UK and Irish libraries. In a single search you can discover the holdings of the UK’s National Libraries (including the British Library), many university libraries, and specialist research libraries. Yes

Epub books

Epub booksEpub books is a self-publishing and ebook distribution platform. All ebooks on this site are free to download and can be read on all the popular eReaders. These include, but are not limited to; iPad, Kindle (coming soon), iPhone, Android, Kobo, Nook, Sony Reader, Windows Phone, along with both the PC and Mac notebook/desktop systems.Yes

Forgotten Books

Forgotten Books Forgotten Books Download 1,294,286 free eBooks from Forgotten Books, categories include: classical fiction, philosophy, sacred texts, history, art, science, ancient knowledge, religion, folklore & mythology.Yes


IssuuIssuu Each day, more than 20,000 newly uploaded publications become instantly available to active readers around the world who use Issuu’s site and mobile apps to discover and engage with what they love, from magazines, newspapers and portfolios, to catalogs, DIY guides, community programs and more.Yes


ObookoObooko Obooko is a unique collection of free books online for use by anyone anywhere. So start browsing our amazing treasure trove of fiction and factual books by clicking the GET MY BOOKS button above and flicking through the category list for links of interest. Alternatively, use the menu in the navigation bar at the top of every page in our open library to find your favorite categories and genres. If you love reading, you're going to love Obooko!. Yes


ScribdScribd is a personal digital library where you have access to a large collection of e-books, articles, sheet music and other written works (in many languages). Yes


4shared4shared Online file sharing and storage - 15 GB free web space. Easy registration. File upload progressor. Multiple file transfer. Fast download.Yes

NOOK Books | Barnes & Noble

NOOK Books | Barnes & NobleNOOK Books | Barnes & Noble the best free eBooks from Barnes Noble. Read free books online with our Free NOOK reading app. Browse thousands of free eBooks read for free!Yes


ScriblScribl Discover the books and audiobooks you'll love with Story Elements and always pay a fair price thanks to CrowdPricing.Yes