Free History eBooks

Free History eBooks are available on these websites. Links direct you straight to the chosen category if there are other categories on the site. There is a general description of these websites as well.

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Listing of sites that offer Free History eBooks


Byron Bales

Byron Bales
Byron Bales the author writes on two basic themes; stories taken from my experiences as a private investigator, and stories from my travels, particularly across Asia. Many of this stories are historical, and some deal with the Pacific War in WWII. It links to Free History eBooks.No

Jiddu Krishnamurti

Jiddu Krishnamurti 
Jiddu Krishnamurti has some essential books of Krishnamurti in a eBook format for free download, readable on iPads and Kindle. Many thanks to contributors! Here you can browse Free History eBooks.No

Dickens online

Dickens online
Dickens online website dedicated to one of the most prolific and esteemed English writers, generally considered the greatest novelist of the Victorian era. This link is to the Free History eBooks.No

Perseus Digital Library

Perseus Digital Library
Perseus Digital Library this website has explored what happens when libraries move online. Two decades later, as new forms of publication emerge and millions of books become digital, this question is more pressing than ever. Perseus is a practical experiment in which we explore possibilities and challenges of digital collections in a networked world. This link goes to Free History eBooks.No

Early Modern Texts

Early Modern Texts
Early Modern Texts On this site you will find versions of some classics of early modern philosophy, and a few from the 19th century, prepared with a view to making them easier to read while leaving intact the main arguments, doctrines, and lines of thought. On this link you can access Free History eBooks.No an award-winning titles that result from or complement the work of the J. Paul Getty Museum, the Getty Conservation Institute, and the Getty Research Institute. This wide variety of books covers the fields of art, photography, archaeology, architecture, conservation, and the humanities for both the general public and specialists. Publications include illustrated works on artists and art history, exhibition catalogues, works on cultural history, research on the conservation of materials and archaeological sites, scholarly monographs, critical editions of translated works, comprehensive studies of the Getty's collections, and educational books on art to interest children of all ages.On this page you can find Free History eBooks.No

Hans Christian Andersen

Hans Christian Andersen
Hans Christian Andersen the complete list of Andersen’s 168 tales, in the chronological order of their original publication. Title variations and Danish equivalents may be found in the cross reference. This link goes to Free History eBooks.No

PDF Drive

PDF Drive PDF Drive is a free search engine which allows you to search, preview and download millions of PDF files into your devices. Our crawlers are constantly scanning the world wide web to add PDF files to our database. In the case that PDF files are withdrawn from the web, then they are also immediately withdrawn from PDF Drive search results. In this way, our PDF Drive library stays up-to-date, while continuously growing and offering you an enormous database to search. In addition to the traditional search engines, PDF Drive has these extra featuresLinks to Free History eBooks.No


esspc books can be accessed on your Smartphone, tablet or eReader. Any time day or night and they are still all free! None of the books published at this site will be locked down or restricted in any way This link directs you to Free History eBooks.No

Puritan Library

Puritan Library
Puritan Library Read puritan pdf books for free! This website has Historical, Theological & Devotional Resources, Puritan Paperbacks This link is to the collection of Free History eBooks.No

The Walt Whitman Archive

The Walt Whitman Archive
The Walt Whitman Archive endeavors to make Whitman's vast work freely and conveniently accessible to scholars, students, and general readers. Whitman, America's most influential poet and a writer of global renown, is the most challenging of all American authors in terms of the textual difficulties his work presents. This link is to a page with Free History eBooks.No

Loyal Books

Loyal BooksLoyal Books All audio books in this site are in the public domain. This means that no one holds a copyright on these books and therefore anyone including is free to distribute them. Enjoy these free audio books and use the share button on to tell your friends about all these great public domain audio books.This link is to a page with Free History eBooks.No is an online resource dedicated to publishing the Sagas of the Icelanders — a large body of medieval Icelandic literature. The sagas are prose histories describing events that took place amongst the Norse and Celtic inhabitants of Iceland during the period of the Icelandic Commonwealth in the 10th and 11th centuries CE. On this page you can find Free History eBooks.No Free novels online allows you to read complete novels online free of charge. Genres include Fantasy Books, Adventure Books, Romance Books and more This link is to the Free History eBooks.No

Open Textbook Library

Open Textbook LibraryOpen Textbook Library - textbooks that have been funded, published, and licensed to be freely used, adapted and distributed. These books have been reviewed by faculty from a variety of colleges and universities to assess their quality. (Open Textbook Library is supported by the Open Education Network, which is based in the Center for Open Education in the University of Minnesota’s College of Education and Human Development)This link is to the collection of Free History eBooks.No

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See also our website collection of History Audiobooks.